13. Mithrasism vs. Christinanity

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Project ALTER MAN 47 is the visionary voyage of an alt-fueled ship on a unique mission to circulate *alt-tech+culture* around the world; Borne of a dream & guided by astonishing Synchronicity to include an ancient Alchemical process within humankind’s emerging potential to truly change. The AM47 crew aim to further generate Synchronicity and help alter earth’s destiny by circumnavigating the globe to exalt *The AM47 Pentaform : A psycho-cosmic pyramid crowning Gaia*.

[ AM47 was conceived in early 2007 and has been evolving ever since. There’s a lot to take in here and much of it needs editorial polish. I’d recommend scroll-scanning through some pages after this one (esp. the 5 destination pages) to get a better sense of the content and the scope. There is metaphysical content ahead. Please don’t dismiss this out of hand. The core project is perfectly tangible and relevant to this real world. The occult angle is for those who recognize it: No *Belief* Required. This is a true story. ]

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The Mithraic symbol of the Leontocephaline is magical life.

The Mithraic symbol of the Leontocephaline is magical life.

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(14 Jul 2011) Faith met a crossroads in ancient Rome. Christinanity beat-out Mithrasism by an inch, leaving us with the C-grade reality we share today. Christinanity was simple, while Mithrasism required a process. The Mithraic Leontocephaline figure has remained enigmatic. But if you consider it’s origins in the 4 Elements and the 4 Persian “Royal Signs” of the zodiac, it becomes clear that this lion-headed figure gracefully represents these: Leo, FIRE (lion head), Scorpio, WATER (serpent coiled – Scorpio was also symbolized as a serpent in Egyptian, Babylonian and Persian myths), Aquarius, AIR (angel body), all standing atop Taurus, EARTH (as a stylized bull’s head/globe/earth). The Leontocephalous is an ancient embodiment of the 4 Elements precessing through the equinoxes and hence, of sidereal astrology itself!

Christinanity empowers from without, thereby weakening the spirit of man: The Christinane symbol of the crucifixion is mundane death. Mithrasism encourages from within, thereby strengthening the spirit of man: The Mithraic symbol of the Leontocephaline is magical life.

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The Christinane symbol of the crucifixion is mundane death.

The Christinane symbol of the crucifixion is mundane death.

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