06. Alchemy Point of the EARTH Element: The Azores Archipelago

A reconstruction of the main island of Plato’s Atlantis by raising the contoured sea-bed/lowering the sea-level around the islands of the Azores.

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Project ALTER MAN 47 is the visionary voyage of an alt-fueled ship on a unique mission to circulate *alt-tech+culture* around the world; Borne of a dream & guided by astonishing Synchronicity to include an ancient Alchemical process within humankind’s emerging potential to truly change. The AM47 crew aim to further generate Synchronicity and help alter earth’s destiny by circumnavigating the globe to exalt *The AM47 Pentaform : A psycho-cosmic pyramid crowning Gaia*.

[ AM47 was conceived in early 2007 and has been evolving ever since. There’s a lot to take in here and much of it needs editorial polish. I’d recommend scroll-scanning through some pages after this one (esp. the 5 destination pages) to get a better sense of the content and the scope. There is metaphysical content ahead. Please don’t dismiss this out of hand. The core project is perfectly tangible and relevant to this real world. The occult angle is for those who recognize it: No *Belief* Required. This is a true story. ]

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Four locations in perfect cross-quarter formation around the world are naturally manifesting the characteristics of the 4 Classical Elements of ALCHEMY. The goal of Project ALTER MAN 47 (AM47) is to film the voyage of an alt-fuel ship that will circumnavigate the globe to connect all four of these points, one every three months, over the course of a year and in so doing help raise the spiritual Awareness of mankind. The timing of the voyage is set to the ancient Egyptian/sidereal zodiacal year. Departing from the Point of FIRE in San Francisco, to the Point of WATER off the coast of Japan, to the Point of AIR in Turkmenistan, to the Point of EARTH in the Azores, and back to the Point of FIRE in San Francisco to complete the circle.

When the Sun aligns with the direct center or “Angel Point” of sidereal Taurus, the Point of Elemental EARTH (PoEE) can be expected to manifest in the remote volcanic island archipelago of the Azores, the highest mountaintops in the Atlantic Ocean. The next PoEE is on 30 May 2012 (and then again on 29 May 2013, etc.). The AM47 ship was scheduled to have sailed from the Point of AIR in Turkmenistan (just north of Iran) and arrive in the Azores by late-May 2012. The AM47 ship was then to navigate to 37.47 N, -32.28 W for the PoEE on 30 May 2012, for the PoEE. This point lies just west of the islands of Corvo and Terciera, the sites of recently discovered ancient hypogea (underground tombs) and underground temples dedicated to the Phoenecian lunar goddess Tanit! The Azores are considered by many to possibly be the mountaintops/capitol of the legendary lost civilization/continent of Atlantis. There, the crew of the AM47 was/is to generate, observe, dedicate and send Elemental EARTH into Awareness.

The AM47 ship was then to continue its circumnavigation of the globe back to the Point of FIRE in San Francisco. After a successfully documented and magically transformative journey around the world, the ship was to again set sail north in late-Sep 2012 for Alert, Nunavut , the northernmost inhabited city on the planet near the North Pole, for the Point of Elemental AETHER and the Gateway of Arcturus on 17 Oct 2012 (and then again on 16 Oct 2013, etc.), thus completing The Pentaform: A Psycho-Cosmic Pyramid Crowning Gaia. Although funding for the journey was not secured for a 2012 attempt, the cycle begins anew each year and Project AM47 will try again for a scheduled departure no later than 17 Oct 2013 (or 16 Oct 2014, etc.) from San Francisco’s FIRE to the WATER of the Japan Trench.

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EARTHy facts about the Azores. Here is a chronological history of all the potent information, news and events from this location, most of which have obviously uncanny Elemental connotations:

1. (Ancient) The Azores are considered by many to possibly be the mountaintops of the legendary “lost civilization/continent” of Atlantis.

The island mountain of Pico, Azores.

2. (Ancient) The Azores are the highest peaks of earth along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge

3. (Early C.E.) Pentecost commemorates the Descent of the Holy Spirit from Heaven upon the Twelve apostles, the Virgin Mary and other followers of Jesus on Earth, and marks the beginning of the Church. During the Descent, while those on whom the Spirit had descended were speaking in tongues, God is heard saying: “And in the last days, I will pour out my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.”

The present day religious feast of Pentecost (aka. the 50th day) is celebrated seven weeks after Easter Sunday (27 May 2012, etc.). Easter (aka. Jesus Christ’s Resurrection) takes place on the first Sunday following the first full moon following the vernal equinox. In the West, the earliest possible date of Pentecost is May 10 and the latest possible date is June 13. The Sun is currently in sidereal Taurus from May 15 to June 16. The AM47 Point of Elemental EARTH in the Azores (Mid-sidereal Taurus) currently falls on the end of May or the beginning of June, which places it squarely in the middle of the date-range of Pentecost! This year the AM47 PoEE falls on 30 May 2012.

The Cult of the Holy Spirit is a religious sub-culture developed in the Azores, inspired by Christian millenarian mystics. The worship of the Holy Spirit (aka. IHVH: Fire, Water, Air, Earth) is it’s central doctrine. According to a prophecy, a “third age” would be governed by the Holy Spirit and would represent a monastic governance in which the hierarchy of the Church would be unnecessary and infidels would unite with Christians. These theories became associated with the Franciscan Order and feared by the hierarchy of the Church, which is falling right now :) The Cult of the Holy Spirit is not dependent on the formal organization of the Church, nor are the clergy needed to participate in the practices; there are no intermediaries between the devotees and the Divine.

There are many festivals in the Azores. The most common festival is the Holy Ghost Festival or ‘Festa do Divino Espirito Santo’ which is held on Pentecost. This festival celebrates the “third person of the Godhead” and is a day for some lucky poor person (usually a child) to be named Empress or Emperor for a day. The new royalty is crowned and adorned in silver and escorted through the streets with a cow (Taurus!) decorated with colourful paper flowers, to the local church where a Mass is said. The celebrants then move the Procession to the local fellowship hall where the silver adornments are moved to the Altar. Then a special meal of Holy Ghost Soup or ‘Sopas do Espirito Santo’ is distributed to all in need. The Soup is made from ritually prepared beef cattle (Taurus!) specifically killed for the event. Holy Ghost Soup is traditionally prepared in large bowls set in volcanically active craters. Festivities commence with a uniquely Azorean Bullfight (Taurus!) with ropes instead of swords :)

According to legend, King Arthur always gathered all his knights at the round table for a feast and a quest on Pentecost: “So ever the king had a custom that at the feast of Pentecost in especial, afore other feasts in the year, he would not go that day to meat until he had heard or seen of a great marvel.”

Goethe declared Pentecost “das liebliche Fest” – the lovely Feast. He spoke of Pentecost as a time of greening and blooming in fields, woods, hills, mountains, bushes and hedges, of birds singing new songs, meadows sprouting fragrant flowers, and of festive sunshine gleaming from the skies and coloring the earth.

Western depiction of the Pentecost, painted by Jean Restout, 1732

4. (1424)  My obsession with cartography (and astrocartography!) might be linked to my Great, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, Grandfather Clausson (as in Santa Claus.?. ;) who is considered the first cartographer of America in 1424. He used runic poetry and Norse Myth in naming the points on his voyages to Greenland and “America”. His death remains a mystery but speculations are that he was murdered in Rome for his knowledge of geography and of ‘three large volumes which contained the “Ten Decades” of Livy’.?. Anyway, the center point of his explorations are also on the exact longitude of the AM47 Point of EARTH.

The Vinland Map of @1440. Grandfather Clausson’s map is lost to history but verification of his discovery of “America” persists in the literature of the age.

5. (Mid 20th Century) The various tales of “the earth coming out of the sea”. The volcanic creation of new land and new islands in the Azores. And the sinking of others.

Base surge and eruptive column at Calelinhos in the Azores.

6. (early 2007) I dreamed about these islands in 2007 before I knew anything about them. You can read about my visionary dream here: Delta & Dawn Dream.
>>>(03 Mar 2011. How on earth did I not see this before? I was just going back over a timeline of events and made a striking realization about the date of the appearance of the whales Delta & Dawn and my visionary dream which was on @ 30 May 2007… IT IS almost the exact same day that I would soon discover to be the AM47 Point of Elemental EARTH!! The odds are astronomical and when tied in with the rest of the Synchronicity inherent in AM47… simply incalculable.)

The Capitol of Atlantis? I want to believe.

7. (Mid 2008) An international team of scientists converged on the Azores in 2008 to form a revolutionary joint mission institute to study global warming, oceanic management and earth changes.

The School for Marine Science and Technology

8. (Late 2008) The Azores were the first stop for the Earthrace vessel on its alt-fuel race around the globe in 2008. Earthrace also happens to have had basically the same circumnavigatory route that AM47 will.

The Earthrace vessel in 2008 while on it’s record breaking alternative fuel race around the world.

The Earthrace vessel just before it sank in 2010, after being rammed by a Japanese whaling ship.

9. (01 Jun 2009) Air France Flight 447 disintegrated due to unknown circumstances over the Atlantic Ocean today, killing all 228 people on board. 31 May – 01 Jun 2009 was to be the peak day (the day when the Sun was directly in line with the center of sidereal Taurus) of my proposed Elemental Earth ceremony part of AM47, after our ship was to have finally reached the Azores archipelago. On 01 Jun 2009, AF Flight 447 disintegrated directly over the equator and directly longitudinally in line with The Point of Earth in the Azores. I had written about the ‘grid-lines’ extending out along the longitude and latitude of all 5 Elemental Points. The plane was flying west to east, which is in the opposite direction of the proposed course of AM47. On 01 Jun 2009 I was made certain that my quest had flown in the face of a chaotic and uncaring, even adversarial universe, winking its cruel spark of awareness from within an essentially negligent infinite span. :/

The Air France flight 447 tragedy… in line with AM47 by 47 significator, longitudinal location, and date of occurrence. (2 = coincidence, 3 = SYNCHRONICITY)

10. (23 May 2010) The LOST television series came to a close today, just 8 days before the AM47 PoEE in the Azores. In this final episode, on a time-travelling/teleporting/reality-altering island, the hero plugged a hole in the “Heart of the Island”. It sure looked like a Point of Elemental Earth if ever one did see one. Also, a few weeks earlier when the origin of the character of Richard was revealed, a 15th Century era Richard was a prisoner on a ship that was shipwrecked on an island which had the last known location of the Azores!!

The Point of Elemental Earth, LOST style.

11. (28 Oct 2010) Azorean Atlantis Videos:

12. (02 Apr 2011) Satellite Imagery Shows Gravity Is Strongest From Iceland – Azores The next AM47 Point of Elemental Earth in the Azores is coming-up on 01 Jun 2011, and the Azores are gettin’ heavy… the heaviest place on EARTH!! “According to new images transmitted by the European Space Agency’s satellite GOCE, gravity is the strongest in two areas on the planet: In a fairly large area in the Atlantic Ocean which stretches from the north of Iceland and all the way south to the Azores, and in an area north of Australia from the Philippines and eastwards to the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific.”

This tortured globe – created using data from the GOCE gravity-mapping satellite – reveals what the Earth would look like if its shape were altered to make gravity the same everywhere on its surface. Areas of strongest gravity are in yellow and weakest in blue. Click on the image to view.

13. (31 May 2011) The AM47 P.o.E. Earth day is tomorrow! There are some fascinating Earthy developments in the Azores: the fact that gravity has been discovered to be highest in the Azores, the discovery of ancient burial sites atop the islands, the Azores being a model for modern alternative energy use, and the recovery of the tragic AF447 black-boxes after 2 years of searching. Read more about those developments HERE.

Last night I deamt that a massive, magnificent young blue-black colored bull was being jerked down a bleak, dusty road by a nasty little man in a nasty little truck. Though the bull could have easily smashed the truck and crushed the man inside, the young bull was nevertheless somehow defeated. As the bull passed me the truck lurched, and he managed to display a faintly defiant little buck and gallop as if to pretend that it was all a game. A slaughterhouse monstrosity’s droning grind wavered up from down the road.

Tomorrow is the AM47 PoEE in the Azores; the sun will cross the direct center of sidereal Taurus and the new moon too will align with Aldebaran, The Eye of the Bull. Please don’t waste this time by not recognizing it for what it really is.


14. (14 Jul 2011) Ancient Temples Discovered On Azorean Islands In late 2006, I started writing this here tale involving the Azores as possibly being the mountain-tops of legendary Atlantis. In late 2010, archaeoastronomer Nuno Ribiero discovered ancient hypogea (underground tombs) and underground temples dedicated to the Phoenecian lunar goddess Tanit on the remote Atlantic islands of the Azores.

Prior to these discoveries, history had dictated that the Azores had been discovered by the Portuguese in the 14th century. The discovery of these ancient temples proves that the Azores were inhabited by a pre-christian civilization… perhaps even an Atlantean civilization. The discoveries are currently developing as of now (mid-2011).

In the Mediterranean, Tanit’s main familiar was the dolphin (or the cetacean/whale). Lunar and Pyramidaic symbology also dominate the images of Tanit, and her main image appears to be identical to the Ankh. Echoes of possible child sacrifice haunt Tanit’s worship, even in the present Azorean discoveries.

The Ankh-like Phoenician lunar goddess Tanit with her cetacean familiar.

I dreamed of morphing whales and strange underwater-hunters in mid-2007. The exact time that I had this dream actually occurred on the day of what would later become the Point of Elemental Earth day. My dream involved a child miraculously escaping sacrifice on an altar and the diabolical shaman-priests who’d pursued him. Then in my dream, a cluster of folks were cooking a strange stew in the hot-earth… I later learned that “Holy Spirit Soup” is a delicacy in the Azores. My dream then involved an underground cave with a whale-like creature, and other things that can only be described here: Delta & Dawn Dream

I also discovered after the fact, that bulls (the bovine/Taurus, fixed EARTH) play a huge part in the Portuguese culture on the Azores… Point of Elemental Earth indeed.

Archaeologists from the Portuguese Association of Archeological Research (APIA) believe to have found in the Azores a significant number of Carthaginian temples, from the fourth century BC, dedicated to the goddess Tanit.

15. (07 Apr 2012) A “Travel to the Azores” competition I entered and lost because my entry was too long:

A Voyage Around The World To The Azores

Five years ago, I had a visionary dream involving islands I’d never seen before. I soon came to discover that those islands were in fact the Azores, and since that time it has been my passion to sail there from here in San Francisco. I’ve been planning to fund the voyage by making it a part of a film inspired by my dream and all the fascinating esoteric subjects that my ensuing research has come to encompass as a result of it. Unfortunately, the extraordinary nature and scale of the project has made funding it a real challenge. So when I learned from Azores Nation of the chance to win this trip, I knew I had to enter.

There are so many things I want to experience in the Azores and document for my story. I want to search for the locations I saw in my dream, to see if they really exist: the stone slab on the hill by the coast, the cooking hearth in the steamy volcanic rock, and the dark flooded underground cavern. There has been a recent controversial discovery of possibly ancient Phoenician tombs and temples on the islands of Terceira and Corvo, and I’d like to begin my search there. And I want to enjoy some Sopas do Espirito Santo, traditionally prepared in the volcanically active earth. I want to explore the underground caverns hidden all over the islands. I want to scuba dive among the dolphins and whales. I want to immerse myself in the therapeutic waters of the Valley of Furnas to help relieve my chronic bronchitis. And of course I want to collect local tales of seafaring adventures and lost Atlantis!

I still hope to sail to the Azores one day, and I haven’t abandoned my dream. Winning this trip would be a great opportunity to progress my tale, scout out my future voyage, and take me one step closer to making my project a reality. Feel free to read much more about my dream and this project at AlterMan47 and specifically how it involves the Azores here at AlterMan47/Azores.

Azores or bust.

16. (02 May 2012) “It’s The Earth Not The Moon”, a documentary about the Azorean island of Corvo by Gonçalo Tocha won the Golden Gate Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 55th San Francisco International Film Festival! Corvo is the island closest to the AM47 Point of Elemental EARTH!!! :) :)

It’s The Earth Not The Moon

17. (22 May 2012) Don’t Drown Out Dolphin’s Voices by drilling for oil in the mid-Atlantic near the Azores! The loud noises can make communication impossible, cutting these social animals off from their families. When faced with this noise, endangered whales stop singing for mates and dolphin mothers can no longer whistle at their babies. Dolphins and whales might beach themselves to get away, or, if they’re too close, they could suffer hearing loss or other injuries. Stop it.

Oil drilling causes insanity and death in dolphins and whales. Stop it.

18. (30 May 2012, 14:47 PST) Today is the AM47 Point of Elemental EARTH in Sidereal Taurus. Six of the seven Inner Planets are in Sidereal EARTH signs!! Four are in Sidereal Taurus (EARTH)! Mars is in mid Sidereal Leo (FIRE), and is the only Inner Planet not in an EARTH sign. Sidereal Taurus just set over the Azores as the Sun reached the center or “Angel Point” of Sidereal Taurus.

AM47 PoEE Azores, 2012

19. (27 Aug 2012)  The latest update about the mysterious traces of prehistoric culture found in the Azores. “We have found a rock art site with representations we believe can be dated back to the Bronze Age. We have an epigraph from Roman times, according to two scientists who were invited to interpret the inscription, a cave art site, megalithic structures, and an important set of structures scattered throughout the islands that need to be interpreted in new ways. In some cases, we believe that there are temples and hypogea. We have no doubt that there are sanctuaries and we believe a significant number of fourth century BC Carthaginian temples. We think the temples were dedicated to the ancient Lunar goddess Tanit. The investigation in the Azores can be said to have not yet begun.” ~ Archeaoastronomer Nuno Ribero

Astro-archaeologist Nuno Ribeiro spelunking the Azores.


20. ( 27 Apr 2013)   The 2010 Icelandic Volcanic Eruption & The upcoming AM47 Alchemical Point of Elemental EARTH on 31 May 2013 in the Azores.

21. (31 May 2013)  The AM47 Alchemical Point of Elemental EARTH is HERE!: The Magic of the Azores and the Terror from Outer Space during the 2013 AM47 Point of Elemental EARTH!

22. The giant undersea pyramid in the Azores has turned out to be a natural formation, or so reports the US Military as they have a base in the Azores. I’m beyond consolation… just heartbroken. Between this and the Fukushima disaster spewing radiation at the Point of Water, I just feel like giving up. Guess I should contact Nuno Ribeiro for a second opinion. broken

23. http://www.goldenageproject.org.uk/survey.php  Excellent maps of the Azores & Undersea.

24. (10 DEC 2013) Europe’s Rarest Orchid Rediscovered On ‘Lost World’ Volcano in the Azores  Europe’s lost, rarest and most delicate orchid rediscovered at the Point of EARTH.

25. (29 MAY 2014) Astrophotographer Captures Spectacular Milky Way Vista from the Azores:


Visible from left to right are the Cygnus (Swan) constellation, with its North America nebula (NGC7000) clearly visible below the star Deneb. Down to the right, is the constellation Aquila. Sagittarius is covered by the cloud. Near the right side is Scorpius and its super giant star, Antares. The planet Saturn, meanwhile, is visible along the right edge of the image, in the constellation Libra.

26. (31 MAY 2014) Today is mid-Sidereal Taurus and AM47 should be in the Azores right now. But the world just isn’t ready for it… The world isn’t ready and the world can’t wait: The Impossible Dream. Maybe next year.

27. .?.

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Project ALTER MAN 47 is the visionary voyage of an alt-fueled ship on a unique mission to circulate *alt-tech+culture* around the world; Borne of a dream & guided by astonishing Synchronicity to include an ancient Alchemical process within humankind’s emerging potential to truly change. The AM47 crew aim to further generate Synchronicity and help alter earth’s destiny by circumnavigating the globe to exalt *The AM47 Pentaform : A psycho-cosmic pyramid crowning Gaia*.

The Alchemical Great Work has remained an elusive spiritual mystery. It is the core of an evolutionary metaphysical experiment developing right now. Central to the Great Work are the 4 Classical Elements and the 7 Inner Planets. Four locations in perfect formation around the globe are naturally and profoundly manifesting characteristics of each of the 4 Elements. (This Elemental pattern is found no where else on the planet and is in the correct ordering of Alchemical transformation.) A voyage is being organized to circumnavigate the globe and link these locations in order to generate, observe, dedicate and send these magical forces into Awareness by completing *The AM47 Pentaform: A psycho-cosmic pyramid crowning Gaia*. The cycle of project AM47 annually begins again on 02 Sep 2013 (& 01 Sep 2014, etc.).

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Begin the AM47 journey by visiting the introductory page, Project ALTER MAN 47: The Alchemical Voyage!

And to read the uncanny tale of how AM47 came to be, click ALTER MaN underwAy

Or jump right in to explore the 4 Points around the globe by clicking FIRE, WATER, AIR, EARTH, and also AETHYR

All the newest info & posts from 2013 are here: Latest AM47 Posts

To read a transcript of the visionary dream that inspired this entire project, click  Delta & Dawn Dream

Videos & Photos are here: AM47 Media

Email Me!!: jack.fool@alterman47.org

And Join!!: The AM47 Facebook Group

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